Don't Suffer in Silence

Information for parents and families

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Every school is likely to have some problem with bullying at one time or another. Your child's school must by law have an anti-bullying policy, and use it to reduce and prevent bullying, as many schools have already successfully done.


Bullying behaviour includes:


Parents and families have an important part to play in helping schools deal with bullying.

  1. Discourage your child from using bullying behaviour at home or elsewhere. Show how to resolve difficult situations without using violence or aggression.
  2. Ask to see the school's anti-bullying policy. Each school must have an anti-bullying policy, which sets out how it deals with incidents of bullying. You have a right to know about this policy which is as much for parents as for staff and pupils.
  3. Watch out for signs that your child is being bullied, or is bullying others. Parents and families are often the first to detect symptoms of bullying, although sometimes school nurses or doctors may first suspect that a child has been bullied. Common symptoms include headaches, stomach aches, anxiety and irritability. It can be helpful to ask questions about progress and friends at school, how break times and lunchtimes are spent, and whether your child is facing problems or difficulties at school. Don't dismiss negative signs. Contact the school immediately if you are worried.


If your child has been bullied:


Talking with teachers about bullying


If you think your concerns are not being addressed:


If your child is bullying other children

Many children may be involved in bullying other pupils at some time or other. Often parents are not aware. Children sometimes bully others because:


To stop your child bullying others:


Resources for parents and families about bullying:

J. Alexander. Your child bullying: practical and easy to follow advice. (Element Books, 1998).

M. Elliott. 101 Ways to deal with bullying — A guide for parents. (Hodder and Stoughton, 1997).

Kidscape. Keeping safe: a practical guide to talking with children. (Kidscape, 152 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9TR, 1990).

S. Lawson. Helping children cope with bullying. (Sheldon Press, 1994).

G. Lindenfield. Confident children: a parents' guide to helping children feel good. (Thorsens, 1994).

A. Mellor. Bullying and how to fight it: a guide for families. (Scottish Council for Research in Education, 15 St John Street, Edinburgh EH5 5JR, 1993).

J. Pearce. Fighting, teasing and bullying: simple and effective ways to help your child. (Wellingborough: Thorsons, 1989).

A. Train. The bullying problem: how to deal with difficult children. (Condor Book, Souvenir Press, 1995).