GPS Coordinates of St. Christopher's School: N26.1595°, E50.5418°
Welcome to the Science site of
Mr. Hunt
This site was last updated: 16 January 2005
For more specific information on each of the separate courses click on the appropriate link below:
Don't forget the larger Powerpoint files can be found on my Physics area of the Student Notice board on the school network
This page contains information relevant to parents.
Students 'in action' in the labs.
Information relevant to my form class.
Details about astronomy activities at St. Christopher's.
Click here if you want to email me.
Are you being bullied at school? click here
Revision tips how to beat those jitters and stay ahead of the game.
To visit the School website click
Find yourself needing graph paper to complete homework and you have run out and the shops are closed? No problem. Just click on the image and download some graph paper.
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Website designed and maintained by Mr. Hunt