Unit 3: Astrophysics
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Syllabus for Unit 3 astrophysics option. Click thumbnail to enlarge.
CEPHEID VARIABLES Powerpoint presentation seen in class.
CCD IMAGING Powerpoint presentation seen in class.
ASTROPHYSICS SUMMARY Powerpoint presentation seen in class.
AREA 51 SPY SATELLITE IMAGE Secret base the Americans are believed to have stored UFO's.
TUNGUSKA The mysterious explosion over Siberia!
BLACK HOLES General FAQ about black holes.
PARTICLES 'Particles & The Universe' A lecture in notes from the IOP
SOLAR SYSTEM SPREADSHEET Modeling the solar system spreadsheet.
http://www.waowen.screaming.net/animation.htm Great animations.
http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/map_discovery_030211.html Age of universe finally known :)
SETI The search for real space aliens !!!
SOLAR TOWER This is the link that you need for the solar rotation practical.
SOHO Interesting link for solar information.
NASA Self explanatory.
JOHN GRIBBEN This author has written numerous popular science books. Well worth a visit.
STARGAZERS General space physics link.
ABOUT SPACE General space information.
STARS & GALAXIES Outline of star and galaxy formation.
SPARC This gives you the opportunity to view current images of the Sun and solar activity
The Standard Model Information about the current model!
http://space.com/ Good site for news.
http://ecf.hq.eso.org/astroweb/yp_astro_resources.html Astrophysics information locator.
http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/digitalimaging/index.html Digital imaging primer.