Year 9 

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The units you will study during Year 9 are given below with the expected test dates for each unit.  Topics in red are those we have completed.

The REAL SAT exam is during the week commencing 7th May 2005

Unit in Spotlight Science

Test, week commencing



26  Energy


27  Element, Mixtures & Compounds


28  The Active Body


29  Sight & Sound

Week 8th January 2005

30  Health & Reproduction

Week 8th January 2005

31  Using forces

Week 8th January 2005

32  Matter

Week 12th Feb 2005

33  Variation

Week 12th Feb 2005

34  Chemical Reactions

Week 9th April 2005

35  Electricity & Magnetism

Week 9th April 2005


The Periodic Table of Elements.   Useful now and also next year when you take GCSE.

Test score sheet  This is the A4 sheet you stuck inside your red book to record your test scores..

Bookmarks:  BBC bitesize revision page.

 Click HERE to go to the SETI page.

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